Monday, April 6, 2020

Week 96 (Amiens)

Another week of quarantine, but this time with General Conference!

For any of you who might have missed it, you should definitely go watch it right now! It's not like there's much else to do during the pandemic. And it was so good, there were lots of uplifting and Spirit-filled messages. I'll even give you the link!

We also had the opportunity to teach a really cool man the other day. It was our first time teaching him, so we were talking about prophets and read Amos 3:7 in the Old Testament. At this point he stopped us and told us about how he believes that God must call prophets today. As he was sharing scriptures with us and explaining his thought process, I started feeling the Spirit super strongly, and we got excited to see someone who seemed to already understand the Restoration! It was going great until he concluded by telling us that the prophet called in our days was this man that I'd never heard of. But we presented our beliefs as well and introduced him to the Book of Mormon. He was curious about it, so we gave him the link to download the app and promised that he could know it's the word of God if he prays and asks.

So even in these difficult times, God is still preparing His children to receive His restored gospel! And as was said in Conference this weekend, we need to share this light with those who need it. Because we all need the light of the gospel in our lives!

Bonne quarantaine!
Elder Wood

Their mission president's wife, Soeur Sorensen, did a virtual cooking class where they made bacon burgers

Food photo: Bacon burger! He said it was pretty good.

Elder Wood & Elder Hill in the elevator with the keyboard they were allowed to borrow from the church building

Watching General Conference on a phone with a small speaker. This was the Paris Temple's cameo appearance.

His home-made mask (paper towel and rubber bands)

Waiting at the bus stop during their weekly grocery run

Lots of masked photos this week!

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