Bonjour de Dunkerque !
Surprise! I'm not in Lille. Or Villeneuve-d'Ascq for that matter. I've been moved to Dunkerque, a little branch on the northern coast of France. It's an exciting story.
It all started with the first exchange of the transfer. We were over in Valenciennes for the day, and it was great. Elder Crockett and I did some Parc Contacting™ and we got to talk to some really cool people. We talked to people sitting on the benches, they talked to us while we were sitting, it was a great time.
The next morning we got a call from Président Sorensen. He told us that there was a missionary who just got his visa, so he was coming the next day. And Elder Abegg was going to be training him. But what about me? I'll be in a trio with them. So in a way, I'm training too! Cool right?
Then that afternoon, we got a call from Elder Koshiol. He told us he and the bleu he was with, Elder Ballard, were coming over to Lille that night, and we were going to switch companions. I'd be headed over to Dunkerque with him, and Elder Abegg would go to Bleu Conference with Elder Ballard. We were super confused. What about our trio? Did Président lie to us?
So when we got home, I packed up all my stuff to be ready to go to Dunkerque. And when everyone else finally got there, we started comparing stories. We were able to piece together exactly what had happened (as far as we know). You can read the whole story (aka The Legend of Dunkerque) below, but what's important to know is that we found out that I would be returning to Villeneuve-d'Ascq after about a week or so. But in the meantime, I'm here in Dunkerque!
It's been great here. The apartment is apparently the nicest in the zone, so that's a huge plus! And the busses here are free too, it's practically the promised land! It's just unfortunate that the church isn't very strong here, there's only a branch. But that means there's a lot of room for missionary work, right?
There was also Stake Conference yesterday, which meant I got to visit Lille! We slept over the night before so we could get there on time. There were some really good talks, and an area Seventy was there, Elder Helmut Wondra. He didn't speak French, so when he spoke, he took turns talking with a translator. So it was nice to get to hear his talk in both English and French! He talked about a lot of good stuff, but one thing I liked is how he shared an experience he had as a stake president. He would spend so much time planning presidency meetings and such, but never took the time to plan his family's Family Home Evenings. He said he decided he had to get his priorities straight, since what really matters at the end is family. That's what will last throughout the eternities.
Elder Wood
The Legend of Dunkerque
According to the Apartment of Lille, on that day, the 17th of October, of the year 2018
As recounted by Elder Wood
A time not so long ago, Elder Poulson had need of returning home because of a family emergency. He and his companion, Elder Koshiol, travelled many hours, nigh unto Paris, and after having exchanged companions, Elder Ballard journeyed back to Dunkerque alongside Elder Koshiol. They then stayed there for the space of a few days.
And it came to pass that Président Sorensen heard of a missionary who would be arriving shortly, who after having waited at the MTC for the space of a week, had at last received his visa. Thus, Président Sorensen had need of an one who, having much experience as a missionary, could show unto him the ropes. And after having given himself unto much prayer, Président Sorensen called upon Elder Abegg to be the one who would train this bleu.
And now, having an other missionary, it was expedient that Elder Ballard return nigh unto Paris. And since Elder Abegg must soon journey unto Paris for the Conference of the Bleus for the reason of meeting his new companion, it was decided that Elder Ballard would thus accompany him.
And it came to pass that the elders of Dunkerque were informed of this new plan, and they thus journeyed unto Lille. That night much confusion was dispelled, and there was much rejoicing in the land.
And it came to pass that on the morrow, Elder Ballard and Elder Abegg journeyed unto Paris, and Elder Koshiol and Elder Wood journeyed unto Dunkerque.
And it shall come to pass that Elder Abegg will shortly return with his bleu, and the day surely cometh that Elder Poulson will return as well. And at that day, Elder Wood will at last return to the land of his inhabitance. And thus it is.
Elder Abegg, Elder Wood, and Elder Ballard in Lille |
"Weekly food photo, an O'Taco! Turns out they're really popular with the missionaries. Real French tacos. It's kinda like a giant burrito." |
Elder Crockett and Elder Wood during exchanges |
During exchanges; "We all got frites from
this food truck place. They were good by French standards, but not quite
Belgian." Elder Farnsworth, Elder Crockett, Elder Abegg, and Elder Wood |